Defective school heating system - mobile heating unit serves as quick temporary solution
When the heating fails in February with minus temperatures, quick action is needed. This is even more the case when it is about supplying heat to a school with 370 students. The quick solution came from the service provider Hotmobil who, within a short time, was able to provide a mobile heating unit as a temporary replacement for the failed heating system.
The almost 30-year-old heating system of the primary and secondary school in Nandlstadt was to be replaced by a new, energy-efficient, state-of-the-art heating system during the Easter holidays. But then, much to the annoyance of Johann Pichlmaier, head of the building authority, it gave up the ghost at the beginning of February and quick help was needed.
With a 30-year-old system, you never know when it will give up the ghost. To be ready for all eventualities, Pichlmaier, the person responsible in this case, had already prepared for such a worst-case scenario in 2018 with an energy supply guarantee from Hotmobil, the specialist for mobile heat supply. This energy guarantee works like an insurance: It guarantees the supply of a mobile temporary solution with up to 350 kW heat output within 24 hours.
On the weekend of all days, the heating system broke down. "Especially in such emergencies, it is particularly valuable and important for our customers to be able to reach us around the clock, seven days a week," states Christian Bäuerle, Hotmobil Regional Manager. This is the only way to provide quick assistance. The Hotmobil service technicians of the Munich branch delivered a mobile heating unit already on Monday afternoon. The 550 kW mobile heating system in the trailer was installed outside the school and connected to the stationary heating circuit of the school via mobile connecting hoses. The all-inclusive service of Hotmobil also includes on-site heating oil management, i.e. the initial filling of the mobile heating unit.
Also Johann Pichlmaier is pleased that everything went so quickly and smoothly: "The cooperation with Hotmobil has worked perfectly. I'm glad that Hotmobil was able to help us so quickly thanks to the energy supply guarantee." After two days without class, the school building, the swimming pool and the triple gymnasium, all of which are connected to the heating system, were back to operating temperature on Wednesday and classes could take place at comfortable temperatures.